
Showing posts from December, 2018

ABC of EDs

In 2002, 1.5% of Canadians women between the age of 15 and 24 had an eating disorder. One third of the girls in grade nine and ten engaged weight-less behaviors. 40% considered themselves too fat. Eating disorders are a real scourge and more girls and boys succumb to the social pressure each year. The more the time goes on the more people are being attacked by the society telling them the way to live their lives. At the dentist the magazine about how a star lost 50 pounds, ads with models as thin as a sheet of paper, but they are so, so pretty, are at least it's what we're told. The perfect family cliché, two loving parents, a mom, a dad and two little beautiful children. White? Of course, why do you even ask? Makeup on every face, every advertising board. Every thing is being gendered and you must fit in that mold the society created or you are being looked at and judged. Every day a girl looks in the mirror and isn't satisfied with what she sees. Not thin enough.